Repair Hubs

If you do not want to repair the Small Engine yourself, we have a network of Partner Repair Professionals who would be happy to carry out the repair for you.

(Please be aware they do NOT provide telephone or free advice. Please see our help section at the bottom of the page for this.)

*Due to a technical issue you may need to zoom out to see our Repair Partners near you


View Get Her Going Repair Partners in Google Maps. (Opens in a new tab.)

 Are you a Repair Centre?

Would you like to become one of our "Repair Partners?" We are always looking for Small Engine Repair companies to join our network. Please contact us to find out how we can work together.




*We holds no responsibility for work carried out by the companies represented. This is for information only. Please be aware we have not vetted any of these businesses but are simply aware that they repair Small Engines and stock Get Her Going Parts.