Starts Engines 7.5 - 18hp / 240 - 460 cc

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Roary's Batteries Page

These batteries will start all small Gas / Petrol / LPG Engines 7.6hp - 18hp (240cc - 460cc.)

Before ordering please:


To be sure you choose a battery which will fit your machinery battery storage area, you will need to take a few dimensions in "mm" as this is what Battery Manufacturers use.

A) You need to record the Length x Width dimensions of the battery tray in "mm".

B) Measure the available height in "mm" while leaving a minimum of 7mm (approx 1/4") between the battery and the engine or other objects.

*You can fit any battery the same or smaller than the tray size, just be sure when fitting, the Battery retainer is secure and does not allow the battery to shift during operation. (You can also add cardboard pieces to assist with this and cushion the battery.)


If faulty, it will be why your original battery failed and might burn out the replacement battery. To test, start the engine using the Recoil (if possible) and check the charging output with a multimeter set to DC.

There should be a max output of 13.8 volts DC going to the battery. Anything over 13.8v DC indicates you need to replace the Battery Charging Rectifier. Please purchase this on the Brand and Model page for your Small Engine.


All batteries titles are shown in "Millimeters" (LxWxH)


(Inches provided on US battery product pages.)